Robbery in Iranian and English Criminal Systems

Document Type : Research Paper



When the crime of theft combine with the use of annoying action or menace against another, change into an aggravated theft. This theft that has called robbery, cause the aggravation of the offender’s punishment. The reason of this subject should be search in the use of force and violence which may cause danger for the life of the victim. Accordingly, in order to have a more efficient combat to this crime, it is essential that a deliberate penal policy to be considered; but looking at the Iranian legislator’s approach that is reflected in the article 652 of Tazirat Code 1375, show some shortcomings, including not stipulate to the word "threat" on the side of the annoyance (and the possible difference opinions of), and also not prevent from covering on behalf of the legal element of the crime. Thus, in this paper, According to the English criminal system approach for robbery, modifications such as expanding the scope of the crime and deleting the sentence relating to being armed of the thief at the time of stealing from legal element of the crime (for removing any ambiguity) are suggested to the Iranian lawmaker.


Main Subjects

الف. فارسی
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