Analytical study of the wife inheritance from the husband's property in Imami jurisprudence and Iranian law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University

2 PhD student in the faculty of Criminal Law and Criminology of Shahid Beheshti University

3 Master Student in the Faculty of Law and Islamic Studies of Imam Sadiq University


One of the issues addressed specifically is the issue of wife’s share of inheritance from the property of the husband.  It isn’t fully agreed and there are opposing views and ideas about the wife deprivation from inheriting some part of husband’s bequest which is one of solitary  cases of Imami and there is a claimed consensus about it. Different opinions and views expressed by the jurists about the types of property that the wife does not inherit from it as well as the fact that this deprivation appertains to the childless wife or any kind of wife due to difference between traditions (Hadiths). Also lawyers following the jurists have presented different views in this regard. Recently the Islamic Consultative Assembly in order to protect the rights of women and for administration of justice has followed the view of jurists and lawyers who believe that the wife utterly, whether childless or with child, deserves inheritance from all property of husband- from the corpus of movable property or from price of  real property including arena or corpus.


Main Subjects

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