The Comparative Study Of Mortgage Systems Development Process

Document Type : Research Paper



Nowadays, security institutions in law of contracts collection have significant role. Because, supply of contractors financial capability in accepting the obligation is basically done by obtaining of credit from economic firms. Granting financial facilities by such enterprises is related to existence of insurance of efficiency methods to warrant paying back of debt. Insufficiency of the classical security systems has been  caused to forming the new contracts law, in order to accessing simple and assured ways for quick changed economic and commercial contemporary systems, designing  of security modern models attracted the consideration of legal regimes .The undeniable influence of security over financing development result in surveying of  several patterns proficiency.
Tow patterns, based on similar maxim, are most attractive: unification security system pattern and specialized security system pattern.
The comparative study of mortgage systems evolution demonstrates that the limited and traditional secure regime stage by underlying tools of “median entities” is evolving. Also, Iranian legal system, in despite of the restrictive and preventive legal texts of security system development, practically has a process to advancement.
