Determining the Responsible for Compensation of Nuclear Damage, According to the International Conventions of Nuclear Liability and the Iranian Legal System

Document Type : Research Paper



Increasing need to the nuclear energy is undeniable reality. At the same time, nuclear industry always has risks of actual or eventual, and in some cases, accurring damages as a result of nuclear incidence is inevitable. Theses facts have made states to adapt particular regulations. This in turn has resulted in shaping rules about liability and nuclear liability in international Conventions. Thus, these laws and conventions through designing of strict and exclusive liability for operators introduce this person as liable of compensation for nuclear damage,on one hand, and on the other hand, apply the principle of government intervention for provision of additional losses  prevent damages to the  rights of victims . In the Iranian legal system the only way to identify the responsible person for compensations of nuclear damage is to refer to the Iranian civil code. However it is necessary for the Iranian legislators to adapt particulars laws in this area to remove any inadequacy regarding nuclear civil liability.
